Minimally Invasive Surgery
Laparoscopic Hernia Repair: A narrow, telescope-like instrument with a lighted camera on the end is inserted through a small incision in the abdomen. This allows the surgeon to view the hernia on a large screen, while making intricate surgical repairs and avoiding large incisions. Advantages of this type of procedure include less post-operative pain, a shortened or no hospital stay, a quicker return to a normal diet, and faster recovery for activities or return to work. More information on Laparoscopy.
Robotic Surgery is sometimes utilized when the surgeon needs great precision to complete the procedure. This technology offers a magnified, three-dimensional visualization that enhances a surgeon’s dexterity with the instruments. When a highly detailed hernia repair is required, a robotic approach can many times result in a superior outcome.
Upper Endoscopy Assessment and Diagnosis: Upper endoscopy is a diagnostic tool for assessing hiatal and paraesophaegal hernias, associated with acid reflux. An endoscope is a thin, hollow tube inserted down the throat to examine the esophagus, stomach and the beginning of the small intestine. Most are lighted with a small video camera on the end that allows the doctor to review the extent of the condition and make an accurate diagnosis. This is a minimally invasive technique effectively used to thoroughly assess hernia conditions. More information on Endoscopy
Most surgical procedures for hernias are performed in an outpatient setting at Bend Surgery Center or St. Charles Hospital in both Bend and Redmond, where patients are able to go home after the surgery. If an inpatient stay is required, surgery is performed at St. Charles Hospital.